使用 cz-git 为你的提交带上 jira 号
2022-07-21 15:58:53
- 在开发规范里其实是有要求带上 jira 号的,但是目前大部分 commit 都没有带,因为输入起来比较麻烦
- 如果可以在 commit 信息中带上一些业务模块的信息,也比较方便排查问题
cz-git 介绍
一句话,可以帮助你规范 commit 提交。
详细介绍可以参考 cz-git 介绍
- 不侵入业务仓库,业务仓库更干净
- 不会影响其他人的提交,如果后续作为强制 commit 规范,可在工程内部安装
step 1: 下载全局依赖
npm install -g cz-git commitizen
step 2: 全局配置适配器类型
echo '{ "path": "cz-git", "useEmoji": true }' > ~/.czrc
step 3: 自定义配置,支持 jira 号
step 3: 添加自定义配置(可选,使用默认配置)
// .commitlintrc.js
/** @type {import('cz-git').UserConfig} */
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
// @tip: git branch name = feature/SPXFM-12345 => auto get feature = #SPXFM-12345
const branch = execSync('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').toString().trim();
let feature = '';
if (branch.startsWith('feature/SPXFM')) {
const content = branch.split('/')[1];
const splitArr = content.split('-');
feature = ` ${splitArr[0]}-${splitArr[1]} `
module.exports = {
rules: {
// @see: https://commitlint.js.org/#/reference-rules
prompt: {
messages: {
type: "Select the type of change that you're committing:",
scope: "Denote the SCOPE of this change (optional):",
customScope: "Denote the SCOPE of this change:",
subject: "Write a SHORT, IMPERATIVE tense description of the change:\n",
body: 'Provide a LONGER description of the change (optional). Use "|" to break new line:\n',
breaking: 'List any BREAKING CHANGES (optional). Use "|" to break new line:\n',
footerPrefixsSelect: "Select the ISSUES type of changeList by this change (optional):",
customFooterPrefixs: "Input ISSUES Prefix:",
footer: "List any ISSUES by this change. E.g.: #31, #34, #I972S:\n",
confirmCommit: "Are you sure you want to proceed with the commit above ?"
types: [
{ value: "feat", name: "feat: ✨ A new feature", emoji: ":sparkles:" },
{ value: "fix", name: "fix: 🐛 A bug fix", emoji: ":bug:" },
{ value: "docs", name: "docs: 📝 Documentation only changes", emoji: ":memo:" },
{ value: "style", name: "style: 💄 Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code", emoji: ":lipstick:" },
{ value: "refactor", name: "refactor: ♻️ A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature", emoji: ":recycle:" },
{ value: "perf", name: "perf: ⚡️ A code change that improves performance", emoji: ":zap:" },
{ value: "test", name: "test: ✅ Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests", emoji: ":white_check_mark:" },
{ value: "build", name: "build: 🏗️ Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies", emoji: ":building_construction:" },
{ value: "ci", name: "ci: 💚 Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts", emoji: ":green_heart:" },
{ value: "chore", name: "chore: 🔨 Other changes that don't modify src or test files", emoji: ":hammer:" },
{ value: "revert", name: "revert: ⏪️ Reverts a previous commit", emoji: ":rewind:" }
useEmoji: true,
scopes: [],
allowCustomScopes: true,
allowEmptyScopes: true,
customScopesAlign: "bottom",
customScopesAlias: "custom",
emptyScopesAlias: "empty",
upperCaseSubject: false,
allowBreakingChanges: ['feat', 'fix'],
breaklineNumber: 100,
breaklineChar: "|",
skipQuestions: ['scope', 'body', 'breaking', 'footer', 'footerPrefix'],
issuePrefixs: [{ value: "closed", name: "closed: ISSUES has been processed" }],
customIssuePrefixsAlign: "top",
emptyIssuePrefixsAlias: "skip",
customIssuePrefixsAlias: "custom",
confirmColorize: true,
maxHeaderLength: Infinity,
maxSubjectLength: Infinity,
minSubjectLength: 0,
scopeOverrides: undefined,
defaultBody: "",
defaultIssues: "",
defaultScope: "",
defaultSubject: feature
step4 : 使用 cz 替代 git commit
只需要将过去的 git commit -m 'aaaa'
替换为 cz
即可, 其他人使用正常的 git commit
如果需要在某个项目内安装,只需要把 .commitlintrc.js
复制到执行项目根目录即可。 详细的步骤可以参考 快速开始 ,这里不再单独介绍。
一个已知的问题:提交历史不能被 zsh-autosuggestions
在 commit 时遇到 eslint error, 无法提示到上一次的 commit 信息。